The ADDER CCS-PRO4 enables users to interact with up to four computers using a single mouse. The operator can move the cursor across screen borders to instantly select the computer they need to control, providing the experience of a single desktop.

  • Seamless switching between multiple computers
  • Manage multiple computers, and multiple monitors with a single keyboard and mouse
  • No software installation required for single screen computers
  • Improved desk ergonomics
  • Copy and paste text between Windows computers

The latest firmware update allows users to copy and paste up to 200KB of formatted text between directly connected Windows computers. There is an encrypted data setting available. A driver must be installed on each computer.
This copy and paste feature improves efficiency, productivity, and usability by allowing the user to retain text formatting. Security is assured through the use of encrypted data transfer (optional).
The typical user for this feature is an emergency service operator who needs to transfer accurate information from one source to another – quickly and securely.